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Architectural heritage in the western Azerbaijan province of Iran : evidence of an intertwining of cultures
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3030830934 3030830942 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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ISSN: 26738945 Year: 2021 Publisher: Basel : MDPI,

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O antigo Paço dos arcebispos de Braga
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Braga : UMinho Editora,

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O antigo Paço dos arcebispos de Braga ocupa um inequívoco lugar de destaque na paisagem urbana bracarense, cuja complexa história se entrecruza com a da construção do próprio palácio, constituído por um complexo de edifícios que se foram anexando uns aos outros, entre os séculos XIV e XVIII. Situado nas proximidades da Sé Catedral, o Paço arcebispal desenvolve-se por uma vasta área do centro histórico de Braga, sendo reconhecido como um dos edifícios patrimoniais mais emblemáticos da cidade, que tira também partido das características que foram conferidas aos seus espaços envolventes no contexto da intervenção de restauro ocorrida entre 1930 e 1950. Como exemplar complexo de arquitetura civil, o Paço arcebispal conta-nos uma história longa e dinâmica, associada aos protagonistas que ajudaram a dar forma aos edifícios que formalizam o palácio, um indiscutível testemunho do poder e importância que os arcebispos tiveram na história de Braga. O Paço dá também conta da evolução e do pulsar da cidade ao longo de séculos, pois nele encontramos expressões das diferentes tendências artísticas e culturais que se fizeram sentir, um pouco por toda a Europa, entre os finais da Idade Média e os finais do Antigo Regime. Assim, os seus sucessivos acrescentos e fases construtivas representam exemplos paradigmáticos da racionalidade urbanística e das linguagens arquitetónicas características do longo período de progressiva construção dos "paços" que compõem o Paço arcebispal bracarense. A história da sua evolução representa também um excelente testemunho das mudanças ocorridas nas cidades com vocação senhorial, permitindo-nos entender como foram mudando as estratégias de propaganda e de afirmação pública do poder no espaço urbano medieval, renascentista e barroco.



Body Cleaning and Ageing : Affordances and Constraints of Sanitary Ware Products
Year: 2021 Publisher: Istanbul, Turkiye Istanbul University Press

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Body-cleaning, which is an indispensable part of our daily life, is also the source of countless difficulties and fears for many older people. The problems and accidents experienced during body-cleaning significantly affect the lives of the elderly and turn a pleasurable activity into a troubling one. In this respect, it is important to investigate in detail the use of the bathroom and the products in it where body-cleaning is carried out and to determine the necessary regulations. One of the strengths of this book is that it is the most comprehensive research in recent years made in Turkey related to ageing and bathroom design.The book, which reveals bath and body-cleaning activity through the narration of bathroom users, is also important in terms of presenting the study participants’ live bodycleaning poems, which display the body-cleaning activity from the point of view of older women in their purest form. The representation of the research study using poems rather than plain text distinguishes the book from other studies. Thus, it enables the issues of washing - bathing - old age to be handled in the context of psychological - emotional dimensions.This precious study will be appealing to professionals working in the fields of Design, Architecture and Interior Architecture as well as undergraduate and graduate students in these fields. Moreover, it will be interesting to readers who study or are interested in ageing and gerontology. It will also attract not only Turkish researchers, but also international readers as it is a universal subject.Human life is being prolonged and the number of people defined as elderly in society is increasing rapidly. Ageing healthily or living a healthy life is becoming more and more important every day. It is observed that in developed countries, comprehensive studies are conducted on elderly people, who constitute a significant percentage of the society. Unfortunately, such studies are limited in our country. On the other hand, there is also a need for research on the space that constitutes the living environment of the elderly. This study, prepared by Dr. Karaca, provides a comprehensive overview of the issue of bathing and body-cleaning, which is or will be important for everyone.The author, Dr. Berrak Karaca Şalgamcıoğlu deserves to be celebrated for carrying out successful work on a very original subject at the intersection of architecture and industrial design. I wish for this book to be a guide to healthier years for everyone.



The constructed other : Japanese architecture in the Western mind
ISBN: 0429751362 0429423225 0429751354 Year: 2021 Publisher: London ; New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,

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"The Constructed Other argues that a widespread assumption of the inherent otherness of Japanese architecture made it not only a test of the universality of Western architectural theories but also a seemingly endless source of inspiration. The book traces three interwoven themes in Western accounts of Japanese architecture from the reopening of Japan in the mid-19th century to the present day: a wish to see Western architectural theories validated in Japanese buildings; efforts to integrate elements of Japanese architecture into Western buildings; and a desire to connect contemporary Japanese architecture with Japanese traditions. It is suggested that these narratives had the effect of creating what amounted to a mythical version of Japanese architecture in the West, often at odds with historical fact, but which nonetheless exercised a powerful influence on 20th century architecture internationally. As such, this book should be of value to anyone interested in architectural history, Japanese architecture or cultural theory"--



Unbuilt : radical visions of a future that never arrived
ISBN: 9781849946636 Year: 2021 Publisher: London : Batsford,

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Home not Shelter! : Ein modularer Gemeinschaftsraum Ein prototypisches Realisierungsprojekt zur räumlichen Erweiterung von Gemeinschaftsunterkünften für Geflüchtete
Authors: ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin, Germany : Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin,

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The Home not Shelter! Plug-in is a usage-neutral room module that spatially expands the precarious living situation of refugees in emergency shelters and makes offers that go beyond mere accommodation. In the plug-in, refugees can get actively involved in a collaborative process and with professional support. The pavilion is to be planned in the immediate vicinity of existing refugee shelters and is adaptable in size. If necessary, it can change its location and be relocated to other workplaces. The "Home not Shelter! -Plug-in" can be an open space, event space and meeting place where new and old neighbors meet, exchange ideas and get to know each other. It can either be docked directly to the accommodation or set up in its vicinity. The plug-in has the potential to reproduce, expand, and multiply itself and to adapt to various locations and uses. The high aesthetic and architectural quality serves as a signal that 'refugee architecture' does not have to correspond to the precarious living situation of those affected.



Contemporary architecture : the genesis and characteristics of leading trends
ISBN: 9781527570399 Year: 2021 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

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Romano Del Nord : Teoria e prassi del progetto di architettura
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Year: 2021 Publisher: Firenze, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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Romano Del Nord è stato un punto di riferimento per la Tecnologia dell'Architettura e un protagonista nella ricerca accademica e nell'attuazione di programmi edilizi. Riflettere sulla sua opera fa emergere il rapporto tra ricerca, impegno culturale e sociale e capacità realizzative che ha contraddistinto il suo pensiero e il suo modo di agire. Il libro propone una rilettura ragionata dei suoi scritti, tratti da libri, articoli e conferenze, ordinati cronologicamente e raggruppati attorno a alcuni ambiti maggiormente praticati da Del Nord: il processo edilizio, i luoghi della formazione, gli spazi della cura della salute. Una rilettura che ripercorre gli anni in cui si è affermata una disciplina del progetto di architettura al servizio della collettività, fondata scientificamente e attenta alle risorse e ai contesti. Le sue parole testimoniano le visioni che hanno accompagnato il suo impegno, negli anni tra il XX e il XXI secolo, sul rapporto tra ricerca e progetto, tra formazione e società, tra innovazione e processi, strategie e politiche edilizie.



Arquitectura y Urbanismo del Cusco Inka
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Braga : UMinho Editora,

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Cusco, la ciudad más importante del Tawantinsuyu, fue morada de la nobleza y sede del poder político y religioso. El alto nivel de su arquitectura y urbanismo ha impresionado tanto a los primeros europeos del siglo XVI, como a los académicos y turistas que hoy visitan la ciudad. Los primeros la compararon con otras ciudades de España y vieron en el Qhapaq Ñan, la red de caminos que conectaba el sistema de asentamientos andinos, un equivalente de la vasta red de caminos romanos.



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